Monday, December 04, 2006

The Most Stressful Time of the Year

I am known as a scrooge by my friends and family. Every year I try to get into the Christmas spirit and I fail miserably. Why is Christmas so busy and expensive. I was doing fine until my car window decided that it was not going to go down anymore (its not an automatic window) so I am going to try to find the time and money to take my car to the mechanic. And of course my car is 11 years old so they will have to order a part. So that means I have to rent a vehicle so that I can get to work and try to earn money to pay for all of this. This will be on top of the Christmas presents going to my credit cards, the $6500 heat pump that I will be paying for til I die, a dentist visit, a visit to the eye dr., contact lenses for the year, and repairs to my well and water softening system. Its hard to be cheerful when I just see myself getting farther and farther into debt. How much longer til this holiday is over? I'm ready for Springtime already.


Caro said...

Ugh. Christmas should only come once every five years!

Iamthebookworm said...