Thursday, December 15, 2005

Nasty Weather

The nasty weather continues! The storm that was moving up the east coast hit us here in VA today. Snow then sleet then freezing rain then finally all rain. Luckily the rain washed the ice away, and the temperatures were above freezing, but its bad enough driving in heavy rain showers. Could be worse I suppose. Further west in the state, they had much more ice.

The book I just finished yesterday is called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. Its yet another vampire book! This one is a romance. Even though its written for teens, its such a well-written book and nice story that adults would like it too. Bella moves to Washington state to live with her dad. There, she meets the gorgeous, mysterious Edward. They are both drawn to each other and Bella is determined to find out his secret. But the more she finds out about Edward, the more she puts herself in danger.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I am going to have to remember these my next trip to the library.