Friday, June 15, 2007


Thanks for the tips about my e-mail address! I forgot to click the little box that says "share" on my profile. Its there now. I am so glad that it is Friday. I am ready for a peaceful weekend. Unfortunately, its supposed to be in the 90s.

There is no longer a huge de-humidifier in my kitchen. The floor is officially dry. Now to wait til the 25th to have the laminate installed. It feels like there is a little uneven spot in the middle of the floor, almost like it was slightly warped, but I'm trying not to worry so much about that. The water people said the subflooring was fine.

I just finished All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris. Its the 7th book in the "Southern Vampire Series" This time around, Sookie Stackhouse, waitress and telepath, is hired by the vampire queen of Louisiana to go as part of her entourage to read the humans' minds. This convention is not all fun and games. There is quite a bit of political manueverings and Sookie has to do all she can to make sure that she gets out alive. If you haven't read the series, its best to start with the first one, Dead Until Dark. They start fairly light and get slightly darker as the series continues. I highly recommend them.


Bearette said...

I haven't tried the Harris books, but I think Caro from the TMI Spot likes them. Maybe I should!

Kathy said...

At least there is progress on your floor. I read the first one and have the second one sitting on my tbr pile.

Iamthebookworm said...

Bearette...they are really good. Give them a try.

Katya...its coming along slowly but surely.

Caro said...

You read the Sookie Stackhouse books too! I love those.

I also love the ones she writes with the girl who can find dead bodies, although she's only written two. :(

Have you read Kim Harrison? She writes good paranormal books.

Iamthebookworm said...

Caro...Its one of the few series that I can stick with. I have not gotten sick of the characters yet. I've read a couple of Kim Harrison books, but she is always checked out.