Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I need to know how to handle stress because I am not doing such a good job right now. There is always someone around. I can't get any peace at work or home and when I DO get a day off, I have to wait for idiot repair-people.


Joan said...

Stress can be a debilitating illness and should not be taken lightly. Just before I retired, I was experiencing severe stress at work...so severe that my doctor finally ordered me to attend a 10 week stress and anxiety class. While I thought the class would be silly and the information common-sense, I did learn several coping techniques which I still use today when I'm "having one of those days." While you can't make other people behave (wouldn't that be nice) you can learn to survive.

Anonymous said...

Idiot repair-people would be enough to put most of us away, even without those additional stressors. Can you take a couple vacation days?

Iamthebookworm said...

Joan-I have SOME techniques. I like to hike in the woods, but the weather has been so bad.

Liz-I have to check the schedule and see if its possible. The problem is my family (who I love dearly) is there too ;-)

Caro said...

I am awful at dealing with stress too.

If I didn't have to be sober to run the household, I'd be laid out on the couch with a beer in one hand and the clicker in the other.

Linda said...

Hello! Come visit me and the baby. :) I have missed ya soo much when I was offline. I meant to get here the other day but I got a surprise visit from my son and my grandbaby.