Sunday, July 08, 2007

Back to the real world

I had an entire two weeks off, but it ended up not being much of a vacation. Tomorrow its back to the real world. And I already have a pile of stuff that needs done. I did nothing today but go to the grocery store and Borders. I had a 15% off coupon for my birthday. I would have liked to go outside, but the heat and humidity here in Virginia is just terrible. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. Ick!


L said...

Our heat index at 8:30 pm last night was 102! Keep cool. ;)

Kathy said...

I've been on vacation too and have to go back to work this coming Sunday -- I'm NOT looking forward to it. I should have taken 3 weeks off.

Iamthebookworm said...

Lori...I could NOT live in Florida in the summer. Heat and humidity makes me stupid.

Katya...If you took 3 weeks off it would be even harder to go back :-)

Anonymous said...

Today is 6/12, and it's gorgeous out! What happened to the 100 degrees of humid hell??

Iamthebookworm said...

Liz...wasn't it beautiful yesterday? I kept staring out the window longing to be outside. And of COURSE it was on thursday--my late night!