Friday, January 20, 2006

50 Book Challenge

There is a challenge that is going around the web: The 50 Book Challenge. I'm not sure who originated the idea, but David Harris talks about it in his blog. The idea is to read 50 books in a year and keep a list. Actually you are supposed to blog the titles, but I am not going to blog about every single book I read! I counted today and I have read 15 books since the beginning of the year. I know it sounds like I don't do anything else, but I promise you that I do go outside and get fresh air once and a while ;-)

So what am I reading now? I just skimmed through Japanese Women Don't Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen by Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle. I say skimmed, because she has lots of recipes in the book and I did not really read those! The author talks about the healthy lifestyle of the Japanese and how people can duplicate it at home. The recipes looks like they take more specialty ingredients, and I don't cook anyway, but she did give me some ideas about eating more healthy.


Linda said...

I have read 3 so far this year. :)

Iamthebookworm said...

Most of my co=workers are averaging about that. I am trying to get ready for a presentation in March which is one of the reasons that I have read so much.