Thursday, August 31, 2006


Admittedly, I am a cat person. I have never cared too much for dogs. I was bitten by one when I was in elementary school and it has turned me against them ever since. There is a growing trend in my neighborhood for people to just let their dogs run free. It would be one thing if they were outside with their animal and constantly on alert for them. But they are not. Either they are in and out of their house, or they are so spaced out that they don't notice their animals running loose.

I like to walk around my neighborhood for exercise. But lately it has gotten difficult because I will be on the street minding my own business when one of these animals comes running up to me barking!!! They are large dogs. If it was a small dog I could kick it at least. But not one of these dogs. And then my idiot neighbors say "Oh he is friendly. He won't bite." The blasted dog is named Cujo!! Sure you think he is friendly, but not everyone believes that. Recently in the neighboring county we had a woman and her small dog mauled to death by 3 roaming dogs. The owner had been warned several times but did nothing. The victim was outside minding her own business walking her small dog when she was attacked. The owner of the dogs is now going to jail.

For all of you dog owners out there: please secure your pet. Even if you don't care about other people, think about your pet. Secure them for their own protection.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I never trust dogs even though I love them and have 3.